All Terrie's books are on in paperback and free on Kindle Unlimited. Put "Terrie Biggs" in the Amazon search box. Note: the Kindle versions photographs are in color if it was available.
The Unsolved Murder of John Mayfield
November 2019. I am waiting for the Coroner's Inquest or the case file from 1927. Both of these may have been destroyed, at least that is the information I am currently getting from the Union County Sheriff's office and the District Attorney's office. A friend who is a retired Oregon State Police officer may have a source to locate the Inquest report.
If it can't be located in the next couple of weeks, I will publish it and add any additional information at a later time.
Hit the Deck is a big hit with Kindle readers and by far the most pages read of all my books...however, from huge interest in the Mayfield Murder, this might change.
It is so charming and such an informative, and revealing look at early 19th century conditions in the Navy Apprentice Boy Program.
One of the chapters is about his grandmother (my great-great grandmother) and her daring and dangerous journey from New York to San Francisco with her children by ship and then by the first train across the Isthmus of Panama. Thank heavens her brothers brought their pistols.
Culinary Delights & Words of Wisdom
Jimmy Fallon on the Tonight show presented this is beautiful 8 1/2 x 11 inch, full-color, large print cookbook on his "Do not read list." I initiated it because of a goof I made on another book by inadvertently uploading the cookbook contents into "Some Trails Never End" for a brief time. Oh well, it got national exposure, so thanks, Jimmy. Please feel free to contact me for a direct sale because I have them spiral-bound. They are also in our local La Grande store Community Merchants. This makes a perfect Christmas gift.
Some Trails Never End
This book is a must read for anyone interested in the history of the Pacific Northwest with many trails of folklore, colorful characters, legends, and events interwoven.
I had originally written and performed a small part of this story with three friends at the 150th Anniversary celebration of the Oregon Trail in La Grande. As I began researching the story I realized the book I did this reader theater (twice) was a romanticized version of a young girl being rescued from captivity by a Cayuse chief. It took me about 22 years to complete, edit, and publish what I would consider a more realistic and truthful version along with the other people involved in the Whitman Mission. I was very proud of completing this, which was my first book I wrote and the third I published.
Bali Ram
I updated the book to include even more training background after Jenny, the daughter of George Blaker, who was the Financial Advisor to the British High Commissioner contacted me. Her father took thousands of photographer of his travels in India and inivted Bali to perform many times at their house. The famous Kathakali dancer Guru Gopinath who trained under, was also added thanks to Jenny and Gopinath's daughter who also contacted me. It was wonderful to have not only validation, but additional background.
One of Eleven
Check out the reviews on Amazon and be sure to add your own if you enjoyed it. In an update, Gary did a DNA test and we now know which man is his biological father.